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If they were to corrupt Alicia into someone who isn't at least half of annoying as she is now, and fix Aura, turn her into a less bitchy person, that'd be great. Not sure how it'd fit into the game, though. Maybe Alicia can have a forgiveness arc?  And a Poly relationship would be amazing, Richard just seems like those ''I'm rich, I can do what I want'' kind of person, not like he has an actual reason to be evil, there should be a second villain in the shadows, thinking of betraying Richard. 

But then again, if Richard only wants to fuck Aura, why doesn't he just try to be a nice person? Hell, if a hot, rich guy was nice to me, I'd probably open my legs. Instead of making Aura so bitchy, it could take a turn to make Aura into someone George hates, so that he breaks up with her, she gets heart broken, and as a female, I think she'd be looking for a shoulder to cry on. Or they could corrupt George, make him forget about Aura.

Maybe Richard should try to play nice, even if it's all just an act, instead of being such a ''big dick'', Aura could end up falling for him.

I know it's a game but i couldn't help but think, why doesn't Aura deal with Richard in the normal world. Like they are far more equal in terms of power (especially with... a gun!), she knows where he will be and when, and has an easy way to isolate him. Just go down to Walmart, buy a gun, improvise a silencer, have Richard meet her at an isolated local to surrender, three rounds in the chest and one in the head, incinerate everything you had on at the time and smelt down the gun. Plenty of time to prepare and all, she's quite studious, could probably get away with murder. Look Alicia in the eye, "Be a shame if another bully disappeared...". Needs to read/watch more murder mysteries, less isekais. 

If you've ever read the First Law series by Abercrombie, need a Sand dan Glockta, inquisitor and torturer, to come visit Richard. My favorite character in any book to date. 

Back on focus, I think I may have to just concede the game isn't for me. NTR has never been too liked a thing to me, I'd just rather they properly talk with their partner and explore a poly component. Maybe do all those things with your partner first if you are some adventurer fighting rapey monsters or whatever. The corruption is a bit too thorough, it's really the isolation of her friends and going from selfless to selfish that gets me. A shame I hadn't gotten to the vice system yet, seems like a fun one to explore, vices of drinking, stealing, gambling, etc.

The vice system is pretty good, but the game itself has talent that is just waiting to get improved, maybe fixing Aura’s looks as a nerd, I really, really hate how she looks like at the start, not just the clothing, but the braids. 

I was a nerd back then, but I was still stylish, and nowadays there is just so much clothing that is so pretty, and instead of just making her use flashy clothes, maybe she could wear corsets, more modern clothes. Not sure which timeline the game is supposed to be based in. 

But I find corsets to be so attractive, and better than flashy clothes, and the bitch face for real hurts me, maybe she could just have a cold tempered face, but that’s just my opinion. 

I do like the fighting system, and I find myself playing the game just because of it. Sometimes I can even stand Aura, so I just skip through the story. 

Also, why is Alicia’s design just so, plain and annoying? Not trying to offend, but I hate her hair, her clothes aren’t that bad, but why does every popular mean girl have big breasts? 

I’m a fan of smaller chest, and I loved Rose, but I really disliked her hair. 

If you have any suggestions of similar games that are compatible with MacOS, I’d love to read them! 

Also, yes, the gun thing would be amazing, but Aura is too much of a hero to actually seek revenge, she plans to stop him, even if she knows who Richard is in person, she does nothing, even if they are so close, she could take advantage, say she’ll fuck him and just kill him, but she’s not that smart. She’s school smart, not murder smart. 

Also, I’m not a murderer, I swear, I just have too much free time. 

Have you not met Dolus? The story has already included a former demon king who was murdered by the hero in the real world. It didn't kill him in Roya and now he's stuck there. He's been there for a thousand Royan years. Time seems to pass differently to the real world when there's no active hero/demon king plot. A lot of the story complaints in this thread are generally covered in some capacity. Whether it be the option of killing Richard in reality, George/Rose figuring out something is wrong and teaming up (they do) or even Richard pretending to be nice, which he does with Rose. He wouldn't do that with Aura though, because it's not victory he ultimately craves, he enjoys the hunt/the competition. Ironically meaning he likes Aura more as herself than almost anyone. I wouldn't be surprised if the star shine good ending is making Richard realize he just enjoys peoples true selves in some capacity. Another story element that seems to be getting covered imo is the likelihood that the 'goddess' is a demon herself, the most powerful. Aura and Richard share the ability to absorb power from others because they're both contracted to the goddess. Being so powerful, it takes her a long time to recover in her domain, and her contracts are powerful. Additionally, Alicia's gift is the same as a former hero and was granted by the goddess. I suspect at some point Aura will be confronted with the reality that her actions have been hastening the restoration of the demon goddess, not dissimilar to KH2 when Sora has to grapple with the idea of the organization claiming the hearts he frees.

Obviously it's on the dev to tie all these elements together, but most of them have been getting addressed.

Deleted 1 year ago

Post 1.0 if I'm still assisting with development I will absolutely be looking at adding polyamory endings.