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This is such an ambitious game. I wondered how you managed to do this all in 7 days! Granted I didn't get to finish it because it was pretty overwhelming to memorize all the spells and figuring out what offerings to use etc.

But having said that, this is such an awesome effort! I really enjoy management games and its so cool that you gave it a twist and set it in an era where witchcraft is frowned upon. The portraits really added to the historical feel too.

With more time, I'm sure you can add more elements to help the player along and the game's current difficulty won't feel so overwhelming. (suggestions: indicating which is YOUR home or separating Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer instructions into different books)

Good job overall!

Thank you for the feedback and kind words. I am glad the depth came through!  Agreed on the need for more to help the player along. Yours and others' feedback already has me thinking of ways to improve this for this title. :)