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Hey there! I just wanted to share my thoughts haha. I have to say, while I appreciate the idea and originality, it didn't quite hit the mark for me.

One thing that stood out as a major flaw is the lack of indicators. I felt like there should have been clearer sound cues to help me differentiate between traps and trees. It became almost impossible at times because I couldn't tell what was what until it was too late! And having to force close the game every time I died was quite tedious :/ Maybe the restart button wasn't working for me, but it left me stuck in limbo with a message until I had to restart the entire game.

I also encountered a few bugs. I got stuck inside the river/lake, and there was no way to escape other than to reset. On top of that, the gameplay felt a bit slow-paced.

But don't get me wrong, your game really nailed the atmosphere and horror vibes, and the sound design was pretty good! Despite my personal frustrations, I have to admit that your game fits the jam theme well, and the idea and originality are commendable. I genuinely hope you'll take these flaws into consideration and improve upon them in your future projects. I would definitely be interested in seeing this or other games you make progress!

I hope I haven't come across too harshly. Best of luck with your future works! :D


Yeah, definitely! Thanks so much for the feedback. This was actually my first game jam (and half-decent game) so I am definitely open to all of the critiques! The stress level was real for me on this project lol. I'm thinking of doing a (major) bug fix update soon and I will DEFINITELY implement your ideas into the game. Thanks again!

oh wow! same here! (at least solo wise haha) and yeah 3 days is like no time, so I fully get it haha (I legit had little sleep the entire time and submitted with like roughly12ish minutes left O.o) 

good luck with your bug fix/patch, def gonna try it out again once it comes ^^

oh wow! same here! (at least solo wise haha) and yeah 3 days is like no time, so I fully get it haha (I legit had little sleep the entire time and submitted with like roughly12ish minutes left O.o) 

good luck with your bug fix/patch, def gonna try it out again once it comes ^^