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I think the core game mechanics have a lot of potential for an enjoyable game! I enjoy some of the cryptic aspects and it was cool to try and figure out what combinations work. The biggest opportunity for improvement is in the presentation (graphics) and UI. The map was hard to move around and keep track of everyone (though good idea with pressing B for the name), and then the act of casting spells was slow. Some rethinking/tooling in how the player could interact with the different aspects of the game, and also some kind of HUD for the seasons could make this really engaging. This took a lot of work to complete, great effort.

Thank you for the feedback and I am glad you enjoyed the mechanics! That's a fair point regarding graphics and UI, I have to revisit that. I wonder if adding more flavor to the magic that would reduce the text and introduce more symbols (eg, runes) for variety and to make that all be more distinct between spells/seasons/etc. I think a HUD would be a good improvement and a seasonal HUD is a great idea!