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I genuinely enjoyed this game! It fits the theme exceptionally well and showcases a high level of polish. The game's originality and well-executed mechanics were impressive. I particularly loved the art style, with its stylized simplicity that was executed superbly. The music choice was also a great fit and added to the overall experience! :D

However, if I were to offer some constructive criticism, my main concern lies in the game's difficulty balance. On one hand, there are challenging aspects, such as the moving platforms, which could have been tweaked further for a smoother experience. Then on the other hand, due to the lack of a cooldown for spawning echo characters, it becomes quite easy to exploit the game mechanics. Once you acquire two echoes, it becomes a matter of cheesing the game rather than engaging in enjoyable and challenging gameplay. I strongly feel that some adjustments should be considered to address this issue. For example, implementing a cooldown between echo spawns or introducing a punishment system for excessive echo usage within a level. I understand that finding the right balance can be tricky, but based on the quality of this game alone, I have confidence that you can tackle this challenge!

Overall, I had a pretty good time playing this game. While it has some flaws and kinks that need to be addressed, it's a solid little short platformer, good job!


You, man man, is a great game reviewer/critic (speaking for everyone here)! Thank you for your words and feedback! 

I agree with the difficulty, but when I understood that I only was able to create 3 levels, I thought that level 3 should be quite hard. :P And I agree with the platforms. Maybe there should have been one button for each plattform or something?

I intensionally left some exploits and instead hid some coins in places you should never be able to reach. But I thought that would be fun for speedruns or something. I didn't have time to do any more. A cooldown mechanic would fix some of it, I guess. :) 


firstly thanks for the praise haha! glad to see everyone being so friendly with their feedback and responses! also i fully get the 3 level thing, with such short time I'm surprised about how much polish all the games (including yours easily top 5 most polished in the jam) have!

Regarding the platforms, I understand your point. Personally, I think simplifying it to one button for the platforms or adjusting the speed of the platforms could make the gameplay experience smoother and more enjoyable. Another possibility could be tweaking the jump mechanics to make it feel slightly more floaty, providing players with better control. Of course, these are just ideas off the top of my head, so please take them with a grain of salt lolll.

Ah, the exploits! It's always amusing to discover those intended "unintended" tricks in games. The placement of coins now makes more sense to me, considering their connection to the exploits. If you plan on creating more levels, I would suggest being mindful of that and other exploits and either implementing a cooldown mechanic or designing levels that take them into account.

Once again, fantastic job on your game! I'm genuinely excited to see what you'll come up with next. Keep up the great work, and best of luck with this and future projects!