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(1 edit)

"#ok this is prone for testing errors cuz i only can test it once"

I don't know what to say because I feel like it's been so long you wrote this you probably already know any advice I can give... I'll say it anyways. You can test it more than once you just need to find the renpy %appdata% folder and delete it as well as the saves in the local game folder. Although this is for the itch build, so you'd need to use that instead of the default renpy launcher.

Different colors for different characters would be pleasant.

AHAHAHA, the code has a message to yourself that you never deleted haha, amazing (yeah, past me, it's not just that one lol)

Why is there a random amount of ######??? In the middle of nothing what-

Ah, knowing the impossible math question was actually impossible makes me sad. I inputted XX as the answer when Rico said it lmao

Talking about Rico, he's my fav. I know what parsec means thanks to him, it will definitely help me tomorrow. (It didn't, parsec's value was on the test, but I think I did pretty well) Also, Rico's dad asked what was parsec, not it's value, thus, Neim got declassified. Such a tragic ending.

I am reading the script.rpy as I am making this, that is why it's messy. I first saw the script had your comments when I decided I should turn it into a horror vn and kill the principal's daughter. (Literally, I opened script.rpy with murderous intent)

I always had some time of prejudice against your vns cuz holy hell, you are a writing monster. 100k!? I plan on reading crysmalia's novel someday. Oh, and also, I didn't really like the art, now I am used to it and I can say that getting over that prejudice was absolutely worth it!!! 2 years of procastinating your games lol

I am getting parasocial over here.

Gotta love all the professional dev talk in the script "Do this", "Do That", "Worired", "urghhh english", "shit idk what to put here"

"#hahsdjfhahdhjadshjkhhdhahhahahahaha bru she's a police officer". I literally thought the same when neim said lynne was from the mafia

You did not. I refuse. "#idk does this even MATTer". Nope, not accepting that pun.

Finished reading everything. This was a very good game and now I shall play the others!

Anyways, have a picture. (I tried "Rico, The Hammerless" but it didn't fit the UI)

btw my favorite characters are rico, lynette and akila


HAHAHHAHAH I knew this day would come sooner or later. My past crimes are finally catching up to me :D

TPPM was one of my first few VNs and back then I was super stupid and didn’t realise Renpy had a delete persistent data function lol. Since I was working by myself and THOUGHT nobody would see the script and comments, I just whacked comments for myself which I never deleted cuz I want to leave them for players like you… Yeah, you’re welcome ;)

Anyway, thanks for playing TPPM! If I make an update, I miiiight just hide the scripts, so enjoy it while you can ;)