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The way the game looks is probably its strongest aspect - however the jump felt incredibly heavy and the wall run unreliable. I couldn't figure out how to escape from the knights so I had to give up after a while. I'd be happy to play again once those issues are ironed out!

Thank you for taking your time to play it and comment. I actually took like 3 days of the jam picking the visual aspects and experimenting with how tilesets work so I could make the game and levels accordingly. in hindsight, if I didn't have that much trouble with tilesets, I could've just spent more time polishing the gameplay and making it more reliable.


Oh man, I feel that! For my game I had to teach myself how to rig and animate a 3D character, bake the animations and export the rig from Blender to Godot...kind of a nightmare but at least I know how to do it now! It certainly took up a lot of time that could have been used for polish though.