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super cool game! i thought it captured some of my favorite things about dragon quest while having a strong, unique character of its own. first, i loved the spritework and especially the environment design, nes dq opened my eyes how gorgeous 8-bit tiles can be but the spaces in this game take it even farther, some of my favorite village building interiors in any game and some really fabulous looking dungeons two. second, the world map had this great lonely vibe, especially in the quiet corners of continents or along the seacoast, i found really evocative and wonder-inducing (shoutout to the bgm here, too). that feeling that there could be anything lying across the ocean - it could even be go on forever... it worked well on me. one thing i enjoyed that was a bit newer to me was the brisk clip of the game and its dungeons, i was really impressed by how many diverse locations and how robust and complete a full-scale rpg experience it offered in just 8 hours. at the same time i wish i had gotten to spend a bit more time inhabiting these places, which often vanished into the rear view before i could really savor their beauty and their atmosphere. they're fantastic spaces, but i found the concise, streamlined experiences i had with them a bit at odds with my personal desire to inhabit them and breathe them in. still, this is one small personal gripe in an overall very satisfying package, and i'm coming away from exony delighted with the time i spent with it. i look forward to checking out monochrome kingdom (long overdue) and pandemony (my friend says good things) soon! thanks for putting exony out into the world and best of luck with whatever comes next!


You just made me cry. Thank you so much, seriously. It's comments like this that make gamedev worth it, way above any kind of monetary or personal satisfaction making a game could ever bring.