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hey indivi, maybe you don't remember me, or maybe you do, i had asked about what program you used to create the Lust Doll Plus, and you gave the feedback, this was for a college math project, it's still in the phase of tests but it's playable, and about showing the equipped item, I spent a whole afternoon to make it work, as simple as it was to do, and this was the result, if you want, test it, it's in Portuguese, but there's not much dialogue so it's more peaceful.  👍 and thanks for the feedback both times I asked.


Congrats! I'm the worst person to ask for play testing and feedback, as I'm always very busy haha. If you want to keep going with game making, I'd suggest checking out some online forums and youtube tutorials for ways to improve!

ok, thanks for the tip, and after what i spent watching tutorials to do something extremely simple in my game, i'm not going to give suggestions to add anything else to your game, i was just imagining the work that goes into doing everything, because there are A LOT possibilities in LD+, so just do your best and don't give up on this project.


Haha, thanks and good luck! It's fine, I'm used to working with the program XD. And I'm always accepting suggestions, although no promise that I can use them!