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Thanks for the high praise and for taking the time to go through it!

I agree that it’s a pretty outlandish design, and the technology for it technically doesn’t even exist yet - but I was excited by the challenge.

I think you’d definitely expect AI to do some unexpected and non-human things, and humans to find ways to exploit the system for their own benefit. The game doesn’t pretend to be fair, and players should enjoy themselves trying to find ways to manipulate the AI, even if it ends up being a little metagamey at times.

Nevertheless, as technology improves it might become feasible sooner rather than later. And you also need good human technical writers to define interesting characters with compelling voices, because an AI would otherwise make everyone sound generic and make the same kinds of choices.

I feel like the strategy section and systems need a lot of work, right now they are still a little flimsy and it’s noticeable. But glad you found it interesting. Might take some time to work on it some more when I have the time.


Yeah, if you're open to players getting metagamey, then this would probably work well--the impression that I got from the GDD was that you were hoping this would still work like an Among Us-style social game, and that's what I don't think would happen. I'd be very interested to see what players would do--player behavior might well surprise both of us!