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Hooray! I won! ...After spending a lot of time running around forgetting I could reload lol. The sound effects were kind of funny! You did good with the random generation for the level design! Although it had some bugs, the fact that it actually made a working level is great! Good job!

Maybe you could even learn more about making mini-maps to make it easier to find your place!

Another thing I would like to add: You were asking on the discord for a review so I came to check it out!

One thing you might want to try next time you Jam is working on your presentation for the game on the webpage! On your cover image, you could maybe try to type out your game's title instead of just hand drawing it out!

The little things like that can make a huge difference on first impressions and get more views/comments! Also don't forget to comment on other people's Jam submissions as well!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to add a mini-map but I ran out of time sadly. Also, the cover image I couldn't find the typing option in paint and there was like 5 minutes left to submit lol though I will change it now!

Oh yeah that can happen with Jams lol. I saw the new cover and it already looks a lot better!