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For level 29 my son and I found a solution with only 3 modules instead of the provided 7. Is that expected, i.e. can I generally not assume that all modules are needed, or is it a "bug"? (We didn't find a solution that actually uses all 7 modules.)

(1 edit)

Yes! Some of the levels can be solved with less modules, and level 29 is the best example. It can be solved using only three. Is this the solution you found?

Yes, exactly.  So there isn't actually a solution that makes use of all the modules? I was staring at this level forever and couldn't find it. (But don't tell me! :-)

I'm not sure, I haven't found it either. Maybe I could ask One Man Band.

I'd sure be curious, if it's no bother to ask. I hadn't realized the levels were the same as in the Android (or whatever the "main" version is) game.

But don't spend too much time on this small thing, I don't want to keep you from developing games :-)