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I like Chris. I think he's cute, but I have to admit, the most recent update that got released really had me liking Kane a lot more too. Regardless of which way things go, I'd be happy, because I enjoy reading stuff from both of them. I also have to admit that I absolutely love Zach. Personally, I think he's adorable.

The whole gap between Patron and non-patron isn't something I personally worried about, because I just enjoyed the story whenever the updates came regardless.

As for the story itself, the only thing that I'm puzzled by is that cloaked figure in red that randomly shows up terrifying Ben. I'm still trying to figure that out.

Same, like from what I’ve seen, Red cloak man is a monster that exists because of/from/relies on Ben’s mind, as he started to complain more and more about his mind, and combined with his ability to appear in both dreams and the real world just like that, I really feel like he is a byproduct that exists based on Ben’s mind.