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Bobby Thornbody

A member registered Feb 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sadly, it's not very likely. I've been too preoccupied with a lot of other audio-related projects and have had no time to come back to this.

I look forward to whenever that day comes. As I said, your well-being is important.

I just finished reading the new update. I really enjoyed what I read. I'm looking forward to seeing more of it!

I am not a Patron subscriber of yours, but I have absolutely loved your story, hence why I started doing a Let's Play of it on my channel. I completely understand needing to take a step away for a while. Burnouts can and do happen, and, in your situation, I would feel it too. Whenever you return to doing the story, I look forward to seeing what comes of it. Your well-being is important, and if that means you need a break, then take a break. I support that 100%. There's plenty of content to enjoy already. *hugs and love*

Just passing this along. Since I was given the okay, I've started the let's play of the story. I prerecord a lot of my stuff and the first episode will air on 9/24, and each new episode will come on Tuesday, for anyone interested in watching.

Just finished the newest update to the story. I'm going to end up going crazy waiting for the next update. I just hope it goes where I think it's going to.

Oh, crap...

Just search Bobby Thornbody on Youtube and you'll find me. As I said though, it'll be quite a while before i get to it.

Oh, I know. I've played through both Diego and Tai's routes. I censor stuff where necessary. Thanks in advance!

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I had a quick question to ask. I do a lot of let's plays of games and visual novels on my youtube channel. Would it be alright if I did a let's play of this one on my channel?

I do a lot of my stuff in advance and currently have stuff done up to the middle of September, so that's when I'd be starting it, but I wanted to ask ahead of time. I  could just do it, but I prefer to ask the creators first when I can.

Sounds good to me. Can't wait!

Oh, you will. I really enjoy this story.

Why'd it have to end there. XD I wanted to see more!

Great job with the update!

Okay, I'll just say it... I have not laughed this hard in MONTHS. Thank you for providing me with something that has put me in a better mood than almost anything has in quite a while. This update was great!

Carlos, yeah. Not sure why I said Chris. XD

It broke my heart when I saw Chris scare Ben off. But then when I saw that expression on Chris' face at the church when he grabbed Ben to stop him from leaving, my first words were "Oh, thank God" (not even thinking about the irony of that statement).

I absolutely loved the ending to Tai's route. It was well worth the wait for it.

That's an interesting thought!

I really hope Carlos is going to be okay.

I want to hug Carlos so badly right now...

That is adorable!

I have all of the stories complete and have only one achievement missing. "Steady Hand". I have no idea what to do to unlock it. Can someone clue me in on what to do?

I loved the way this ended. I'm starting to think Haruki DOES like MC, even if he won't admit it yet. The way he acted in this update makes me think so anyway...

Just finished reading the newest update. Loved it!

I suppose that's a possibility, but it still confused me, regardless. XD

*snicker* Loved the new update on the revamped Day 1 route. The bit with the keyhole near the end made me laugh.

No idea. It was a good story,regardless, but that just left me scratching my head.

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I found out about it several months ago and got really excited to learn you were making a new game. Major/Minor was great and Winds of Change is still, to date, my favorite VN of all time. When I happened to remember that this game was still in development, I came back to this page yesterday only to discover that the full game is being released in a few days, so I immediately downloaded the demo, and played through most of it last night, having just finished it today. I absolutely love it so far. And, if I'm being completely honest, I didn't even need to read the voice cast on this page to recognize Isaac's voice. He voiced Pro in Winds of Change and I was thrilled to hear the voice again, even though it's for a different character. The other voices in the story are amazing too. I'll admit, the fully voice-acted aspect of it is what made me fall in love with Winds of Change, and it's made me fall in love with this story too. I'll definitely be buying the full game in a few days.

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I downloaded this VN earlier this week and played through both issues, having just finished issue two prior to making this post. I have to say I really like this VN so far. I'll be looking forward to seeing more in the future.

I began reading this VN a few weeks ago after having downloaded it around a year ago ago, but having never had the time really read it. After updating to the most recent version today, I powered through all of the available content, up until this update. After Echo, which scared me more than once, I wasn't sure whether I'd like this story or not, but, I have to admit, I've been enjoying what I've read so far. I just finished the newest update, and the cliffhanger (pardon the pun) things left on has me wondering where things will end up.

A great ending for a great update! Loved it!

I originally found this story back when you first began working on it, but I never really read it because I got involved in doing several different things, and several different VNs, so I just didn't have the time. Over the last few weeks, though, I decided to go back and play some of the VNs I haven't yet gone through, and this was one of them. I powered through the entire story over the last few days, and, I'll admit, while more than a few times, I was put on edge from how upset certain scenes made me, I actually enjoyed the story, and I'm glad I actually took the time to read this one. Very well done story. I do have one small question though, regarding an event near the end.... (Spoilers below for anyone who hasn't read it yet)

Near the end of the story, I got the impression Cameron died, as his spirit was living inside Devon, with Devon acting as a vessel for him, but a few scenes later, Cameron is alive again. Am I missing something here? If I recall correctly, it even mentioned Cameron's ashes, which, again, implied he was dead. Can someone shed some light on this for me?

I knew it! As soon as Liz said someone had already sent out the Headsman, I knew it was Lyall. I've been waiting and wondering "how is Lyall going to show up" and you definitely made it worth waiting for. I have to admit I nearly cried seeing the art at the end too!

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I was really hoping things were going to go positively between Ben and Bryan... I'm glad it finally got there. It sure took an interesting way of getting there though... I was kinda scared, at first.

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Is it weird that even though Roo's real name made me laugh, I think it actually sounds BETTER than just the name Roo?

You're quite welcome!

I like Chris. I think he's cute, but I have to admit, the most recent update that got released really had me liking Kane a lot more too. Regardless of which way things go, I'd be happy, because I enjoy reading stuff from both of them. I also have to admit that I absolutely love Zach. Personally, I think he's adorable.

The whole gap between Patron and non-patron isn't something I personally worried about, because I just enjoyed the story whenever the updates came regardless.

As for the story itself, the only thing that I'm puzzled by is that cloaked figure in red that randomly shows up terrifying Ben. I'm still trying to figure that out.

No problem. it's worth the wait. :)

Nice little update. Loved it!

I knew it! Ugh! This is going to make me crazy now. Good writing but, god, now I just want the next part to come even sooner!