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I'm getting there, consistently reaching the boss now at least.

I think the small planet as a playground is actually a better use of the theme than the more banal limited resource ;) even if overcharging mode is very satisfying largely because you can see your bullet turning around the planet, which is already cool in normal mode.

The game is fun, controls are good, the bullets navigating stuck to the planet is really nice, the difficulty is right on point and the boss bullet patterns are beautiful.

Well done!

Thanks! I am a little embarrassed to admit that I had not even thought of the spherical gameplay as an embodiment of the jam's theme until you said that. Part of me wants to defend the resource system and point out that it is deeply embedded in the core game balance, with different strategies producing fairly different experiences depending on when it's used. However, it's clear from your feedback and others' that it's not coming across with a strong thematic feel, which is fair enough.

Anyway, I'm glad you liked it! I'm kind of blown away to be getting positive feedback on this one, because when I started it was sort of a random, off-the-wall idea that I didn't really expect to work at a pretty basic level.