I liked it!
The story felt a bit weird, however, not bad for being a short game.
Sadly there was no Minecraft Hotbar, but I am no game dev, so I do not know how you would even add those lol
There was more content than I thought, which pleasantly surprised me.
At the throne room (I assume it is) it would have been cool if the music was played in something like Noteblock Studio, but I also understand that there is the possibility that the music was some royalty free music, so that is not really a criticism or anything. Just would have fit the whole Minecraft feel more.
Before the elevator there was a lighting glitch, which is visible in my video, I made a joke about how it is “just like in Minecraft”. But it could be that the lights just took more time to load, as they did come back shortly after.
The doors texture seems to be flipped on one side, I do not know if you are aware of that, I just wanted to mention it!
But all in all, not bad, I’ll definitely check out your other projects!