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Oh wow, this is such a clever idea, and my favorite twist on the theme! And that ending, omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That was 100% worth it. It was fun being able to "chat" with mythological gods, and I ended up getting Zeus to give me the answer after like 3 prompts (I literally just asked), which was even more amazing and epic than having to overcome tricking him or something honestly 👏 

Also, I went to Heracles first who said only he knew the number, and then went to Prometheus and the first thing I said was "yum yum yum" and he was NOT having any of my nonsense and told me to go away 🤣🤣🤣 

- ✨Beth


Thanks, I'm glad that you liked it!

Funny that I had mentioned "yum yum yum" before in the review I left for a game, lol:


Oh my goodness lol, that's such a hilarious coincidence 🤣🤣🤣