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This is a great VN! Despite having only a few choices to choose from, the point and click segment was an interesting and fun addition, the dialogue is great and hilarious, and the art is very well done.

Elliot is a riot! Her introduction at the end was just so damn good. I spent a few minutes laughing at her bluntness xD

The ending was unexpected, but in a good way. The fourth wall was definitely shattered. Lana's surprise was so... LOL.

Overall, BAKED:MAGIC is a fun game. A little short, but sweet <3


Thank you XSverdar! 

I'm really happy to hear that you enjoyed the game! Yes, I'm hoping to learn more coding so that my next game can have a few more click and point elements involved. 

Elliot was one of my favourite characters to write as well, so I'm glad you think she's a riot. 

Thanks again for your kind words. =)