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(1 edit) (+2)

I had no idea what it was with the logo, it's one reason why I haven't played it until now. You make amazing art and it seems like you haven't put a game on steam before(?) So I'll tell you this: You need the main cover image to showcase the game. I would recommend drawing something for the cover art like a Mech instead of using he brass alone. But when you release on Steam, which I recommend for you to do when the game is 100% finished with the effort put in already, people will "read the book from the cover" which means the first impressions matter a lot.

Second thing: You are really introducing way too much at much. There is the shooting and the hard platforming, then you have the bugs SWARM the player and then a rocket and destroy platforms. People are going to get really out of it if you hit them with that right at the start. Explain things instead barely anything like a tutorial simulator for the mechanics.

The shells being a platform, why isn't it explained at all?What platforms can or cannot bot shot and destroyed?

I also think the robot turrets should have less HP since they require a lot of shooting before they die.

But like I said before, you have a lot good going with this, you need to put a lot of consideration of explaining things to the player more slowly, making the turrets resist the bullets less, and making a better cover image. Doing all of this will heavily  make the game a lot better now and in the future for new players.

EDIT: Thinking about it, I do wonder why the player's bullets are blocked by the turret's beams and rockets, if they are going to be blocked, then allow them to be destroyed or slowed down, or weakened with lots of hits. Maybe rockets go fly crazy when knocked off course.


Good point with the logo, but I simply wouldn't physically be able to make it since I got the itch page set up right before DD after an entire night spent finishing all the shit up. However it might still be a good moment to change it while the itch entry is still fresh.

Shells aren't really that important in comparison to other mechanics. They keep altering the arena when you are being too idle, and often become an obstruction blocking shortcuts.

The more people ask for less turret hp the more I feel like I should increase it. There are 5 ways to instakill them, and if you really want to shoot them, you can multitask ie. by parrying other enemies.

I was considering pushing rockets by shooting them, but there are plenty of ways to deal with enemy projectiles already. At that point I would only make people even more confused.

Making a tutorial area and getting it just right will be essential to teach a less static way of playing.


I was more of saying in the future you should change it. But I hope it goes well for you