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[description translated by google from potuguese-br]

Desafortunadamente, para mí, no pude terminarlo debido a un bloqueo del juego al final.Aunque, creo que solo fui yo o unos pocos que esto sucedió.Porque vi a otros productores de videos independientes, en la página de ReveVoodoo,y terminaron con éxito. El juego, por lo que vi al final, es muy superior a Nirvana's Grace. La arte está bien hecho, el acabado con filtros granulados de películas antiguas cayó demasiado bien. El modelo de personaje es segundo después de Nirvana's Grace, que es maravilloso. Los modelos del oponentes y la jugabilidad son admirables. Todo funcionaría perfectamente, si no fuera por el descanso final, para mí. Pero, como he dicho antes y lo diré de nuevo, aparentemente solo fui yo, con los demás, todo va junto y es fantásticamente excelente.

El juego tiene una jugabilidad deliciosa, digo: es divertido de jugar, controles receptivos y sin demoras ni muchos cuellos de botella. vale la pena la experiencia. Pero desafortunadamente no terminé - vide video.

that problem maybe is for the fps, im glad you liked the style, but i sorry for the problems, this game aparently content some bugs

I love it. Just I felt like . . . let's use an expression - Did you imagine you, tasting a delicious meal, and some odd happens and you cannot finish you delicious meal, . . . a bird shit fall into your meal, for example. You look to your plate and think - Jeez Luise! Why! Why it happens just to me!!! This one was SO great! Christ choose another one to prank! hahahahha . Also so more or less it I felt. hahahahaha ;)  But I loved because it I idle stand in front cam like that face. hahahahaha

Yes my bro, I looked at you in that part and I felt bad because you had nothing left to finish it, damn bugs


I am blogging about it either -  It is my background sounds to do it:

Nice song,lov te percusion horros style,Careful of copyright, it's always a bummer, sometimes and trying to buy the rights just so it doesn't jump to people on youtube, but there's no way hahhaha, it's a pain in the ass

(2 edits)

Don't worry. Yes I know. \my channel is free of monetized. I am non-commercial channel. It would be the same if you came to my home and I was playing something and I turn to you and say: "Please, can you pay me fifty cents to WATCH me playing?" Man, it's so odd to me. Oh, Brave New World! Like says Shakespeare on "The Tempest". ahahaha

And the title of Aldous' books with same phrase. Inspired.

(3 edits)

Here buddy! At any moment that you wish you may contact me, to implement something. I use godot engine, 100% free to use without payment any above $100.000,00 like Unity. You can receive 1 billion dollars, if possible, and even thus you pay only you want, - no obligations like Unity. This one makes proper export linux files in Opengl. It's a argentine engine. Amazing engine. It have thirty years-old, so a quite solid engine. Accept GDScript (native) and C#(sharp).

Alright, here: DumpsterProductions#8417

My contact, if you do a linux version let me know about it; yes? Thanks and sorry to many words. I really liked you, friend.

Don't worry, you're my partner now hahaha, I tried to use Godot a while ago, and my first engine was unreal, but I only get along with Unity and still I'm still a bit bad, but don't worry, the next games will be released also in native linux, emulating always has a cost, it loses quality and/or performance, and if they are going to play them I can't allow it hahaha

Cool, good idea it would make your projects a little bit more pop (in good expression sense), because it would be shared within more people (linux gamers). I haven't any issue to interpret the windows version into linux, but I know a lots of linux colleagues have some restraint about winehq. In facebook some friends said would like try, but they haven't same experience in wine-interpreter mine. I said that was shown in videos like I do to interpreter in same machine to 32 bits and 64 bits architecture since manually untill launched through winetricks. I understand fear them. I did crossover it in the past. Their fear it would crash their system as an once time at all. Because it happens if the players aren't a few used to do something in winehq or CROSSOVER (Mac OS X). Ih... I did remove all system many times at past. hahahahaha Today I crack even dlls and others things from steam, gog and other sites. I ain't do it just for games, however I do for many programs to runs into my customers network who wants kick out Bill Gates without lose their old applications. hehehe Nice position, I will wish successful and I certain you shall have. :D

It sounds pro, I don't consider myself bad at programming and closed code editing, but that's already a lot for me, it's normal that your friends don't like it hahaha, but in any case it's always easier than this for more platforms