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Colors are sweet on the eye no need for glasses looking at your game :) I wish you made some way to import more movement into the game something like platforms and to keep me in place of fight more I was all over the place and I would use a bit less buttons for controls its easier for player to have few buttons that does more then to need to memorize all thing you need to do. For example I would just make it to shoot laser if you hit some combo count instead pressing button. Don't get me wrong game is cool and fun just wanted to give some edvice to help you! 


Thanks for the input! Actually there are art assets that were ready and finished but sadly didn't make it to the final cut of the game due to AI issues encountered by our programming and development team. Unfortunately we had to scrap them since we didn't have much time left for submission :(


Feel you bro! I scraped so much things because of time, ahh the AI for this type of game really pain in the ass I worked on enemy like 35% of the time.