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I don't think this is a bug, in a sense that there's some "no running zone" (especially interior). If you think you're encountering a zone where you should be able to run, mail me with the details, 

Same with the item bug, mail me the exact detail and the expected result so I can exactly understand what's going on.

As for the hospital and the "game over" state, I pondered a lot on that topic.and I ultimately decided against it because I think this doesn't flow well in the game. And especially in ABDL games, I think the "fail state" shouldn't be a "desirable" state because this is the antithesis of gaming. Hence, the game provide you with "events" where you can play through rather that a fail state where a lot of players would intentionnaly fail the game. I hope this reply to your question.

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The bug happens sometimes when entering and exiting interior scenes. It's not very consistent but it can get a bit annoying sometimes. EDIT: There's also another bug that can happen when you enter a scene while running that forces you into an Always Run sort of mode.

I was doing the Hospital because I actually couldn't enter it without lagging in the public build (Which is weird because I have a lot of other, more graphically challenging games for my rig that it has FAR less trouble with) and I decided to cheese the Safe in the officer where you get the office ID and I noticed that after reloading the ID doesn't respawn unless you return to the main menu and then load back in. But anyway some items seem to do that, also so do doors I thinks? Because I had to exit and redo several earlier parts to get back to the vents and then leave so stuff like that may need testing in the future to prevent people from getting softlocked because a door that should be open was instead closed.

Ah, okay that does answer my question.


Okay, I'll look into it.

The hospital is indeed very performance heavy in the public build because of a lot of technical reasons that don't have anything to do with your rig. Hopefully it's better in the newest build.

I've got your point. Saves states are something I'm working on to improve, and I'm always trying to put ways around doors to ensure the player wouldn't be softlock. If you want to load an earlier save and you're in the same area,you're better off going back to main menu first, otherwise the old area might not get fully unloaded. This is also a technical point I'm aware of.

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It does run far better in the newest build however the graphics bug depending on the settings when you have to escape and in the vents sometimes it's pitch black.

Yeah, I'm going to do that from now on. Also, loading a save while the guards catch you still sends you back to the start, I found that out because of the same room as the ID. And in addition to saves anytime I load the game with my character padded the game loads and removes the character's pants and the objects you have to find at the start of the game in town seem to respawn as well.

Oh, and could we have some storage for things? And maybe have it so if you buy something but don't have the inventory space it gets sent to an appropriate storage location instead of just using your money and giving you nothing?