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I'm ran into some unexpected trouble launching this :/ My initial approach:

bundle install
bundle exec ruby hungry_cat_2.rb

I got:

/hungry_cat_2/lib/window.rb:14:in `setup': undefined method `show_stats_plotter=' for #<HungryCatTwo::Window:0x00000001095948b8 [...] (NoMethodError)
      self.show_stats_plotter = @debug

Digging into it, it looks like the relevant commit to cyberarm_engine to add that accessor hasn't been packaged up and pushed to yet, so the gem version I'm trying to use after installing the bundle isn't current enough :( 

I eventually got things running after I found the relative_require path for non-mruby :) I really dig the song you added, also the presentation in general is nice and clean. Well done!

Thanks, I have not been able to run it either yet, I will check your notes and see if that makes it work at my Linux.