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The presentation of this game is off the charts! Great graphics as always, custom UI elements (the title screen/main menu being right on the starting map is a cool move), and seriously glitchy effects throughout the experience make this a standout entry.

Extra props for continuing to find creative ways to mess with the various visual elements of the  engine and "break" MV in artful and creative ways. I definitely don't see this kind of craziness every day.

Also noteworthy is that I never felt lost or unsure of what to do next or where to go; I felt there is a good balance of showing the player exactly where to go and letting the player explore here.

About the only thing I feel I can't fairly give top marks for is "Horror." I wasn't really scared at any point in the game, just curious, maybe a bit confused or surprised. BSOD did cause a tiny bit of anxiety, but I was confident that it was all part of the show.

Overall, an impressive entry! Well done!