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(2 edits) (+2)

I have mathematically proved that the limit is NOT 999 str and def. 

Please observe my beautiful krogs stats. you will notice that by having bulky 3 upon entering a battle it would technically add my 999 with 749 both ways for a total of 1748 str and def. It is essential now to multiply this by 2 since both my str and my def are equal to 1748 and to determine krogs final hp we have to add his new str and def to it. 1748x2=3496 which, when added to 3359, gives us a grand total of 6855 hp

now look of my krog  photographed in battle seconds later. And what should his hp be but 6855 the AMOUNT THAT COULD NOT BE ATTAINED BY MERELY 999 STR AND DEF. So, therefore, I believe the maximum attainable str and def is actually 1998 and that is why i think the bulky synergy is arguably the most cracked synergy to ever exist.

(1 edit) (+1)

:D  this is actually because the Bulky HP gain uses the amounts that are added to the others, before theyre added into the stat itself and therefore hitting the limit.   It does work out in Bulky's benefit lol 

(1 edit) (+1)

thats unfortunate lol. So then the only way to make krog stronger is to increase his hp a teensy bit. Normally the extra bit of damage would not be that helpful but when its being multiplied by 1800, well then ...


holy moly how did you get that stats

(2 edits) (+1)

Ive merged 6 tempered unerring arrows which helps. Also the food and events add up after a while. But this is nothing compared to other people ive seen. How they max out speed beats me


oh or if you are talking about the second photo were krog has 7k hp thats just max bulky synergy. Arguably the best synergy in the game

max Spd is either from a Tizik with alotta int or from an old bug that shouldnt happen anymore