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It's a blind friendly game as it works with screen readers.  I missed it having a sound track to set the ambience a bit.  I'm not used to play text-based games so this is a new type of game for me. I was a little frustrated with navigation, as I found it hard to tell where I was and which direction I should go to.  I have short memory and many times I had to scroll back to remind myself which direction I had come from so I would not just go back to where I had been. To  have a clearer way to indicate from which exit the player came in, and which rooms they already visited would maybe help with navigation. That way would at least make it easier to know if I was just walking in circles. I liked the skills and ability to do upgrades.


Hey, thanks for your feedback! Yeah, the navigation needs work. For sounds, I unfortunately ran out of time, and didn’t get to integrate anything before the jam deadline. I hope you enjoyed the game to some degree, it’s a short one, again because of time constraints!