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Hi thanks for your fantastic work !
I was waiting the players guide v2 to start a solo play session.

If I may : I spotted a typo on page 57, in the totem of combat description it says :  gives the use instead of gives the user.

PS : I just read the description of Fortress on the Wild Frontier and it looks so promising.
Actually I just rolled a starting quest from the table in the referees guide for my newly created ranger and I just rolled 10 and 11 :

A comet has fallen from the sky, the crater has revealed anancient city from the past which can be explored

What hazards existing on the journey? What lies at the edge of the world? Can you find the Ancients?

 Which looks like the pitch of the new supplement

Thanks for taking the time to post a comment and a heads up on the typo. I'm glad you are enjoying the book.