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Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+7)(-8)

Why can't you just enjoy the game as Hyao planned rather than always finding something wrong with it. I for one don't see a need for pronouns in a game that shows male homosexuality as its main selling point. 


Gatekeeping is not the solution...

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As an alternative way to reduce, no better yet, to delete gatekeeping, why dont we remove LGBTQIA+ labels from society? Answer --> We cant, because humans as a society have shown definitely questionable levels of respect to others. So yeah, congrats Society, we have created labels in a desperate way to earn respect but also they act like a heaaaaavy anchor that we have to carry ;).

If things worked as they should, we would never need them...

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I don't want to start a fight here so I won't answer anything beyond this point, but I think you are misunderstanding what gatekeeping is...

Removing labels is just about nomenclature... the Him-s, She-s and Them-s would still love be addressed by his, hers and theirs preferred pronouns even if there's no more "naming" gays, lesbians and trans...

Gatekeeping is about not be inclusive in a intentional way, like when refiner214 says: "I for one don't see a need for pronouns in a game that shows male homosexuality as its main selling point." so trans and enbys should accept playing as male or female and don't ASK for more options, they weren't even complaining, just ASKING...


I may not get what gatekeeping is but you dont get labels either... Cool. 

I wont add anything else. It´s not gonna change anything anyways. Itsara down there clarified everything. Case closed. 

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Look this is really dumb and don't even feel like I should have to defend what I meant to say but I guess the time we live in we have to be careful about everything. But since I was tagged in a comment that I made yesterday let me clarify what I meant so people like @marcusvinicius1986 wouldn't feel like I am "GateKeeping". I wasn't saying to exclude people or to upset a group of people but to allow the writers to decide what THEY want to do. Most of us are here just playing the free demo, so before maybe asking for something maybe see how everything turns out first. I will say that maybe I came off rude to Can Of Garbage and if that was the case, I'm sorry for that, but people need to stop taking every word and turning it into a moment for them to "Put someone in their place" because it wasn't that serious. Now with that please do not @ me just because you did not like my comment. 

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(4 edits) (+4)

Actually, I think Hyao can. But it will cause a very huge update since most of dialogue and events would be changed. You may think Hyao just need to add options for players to select a pronounce for MC, but it mean Hyao need to redo every single dialogue from the beginning to match with a pronounce you have chosen. Just like a novel with a lot of alter version just because pronounce, body, and gender be changed.

And it will be hard since not only Hyao who writes story scripts but also another guest authors who write it.

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I think that, depending on how the code was written (And I'm saying it with my low acknoledge of coding), it can be easily done.

If Hyao marked the pronouns used in the dialogues with a specific tag, it can be coded to change based on the players choice.

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You may right, if I remember correctly, some of coding script was written to be compatible with the change of gender and pronounce like 

"bra bra bra (mc.gender) bra bra bra." 

But some of them not, like 

if mc.gender = male >> show texts A, if not >> show texts B (just an example, Python is not written by that.) 

So it still hard to redo it from the beginning, in my opinion btw.


Yeah. In the end, depends of the code that Hyao used.


not an opinion, it's facts lol. redoing EVERYTHING from the beginning would take a long ass time and would potentially take 2 months/more to add because of how large the game is current and the 2 months is a generous guess even when assuming Hyao would do only that until it was done instead of content updates.


An in-universe answer is that society is "transfobic" or at least not trans welcoming, since the trans characters hide this fact, although these characters are written by a guest author so maybe, like for race, only some place don't like some kind of people.

An out-of-universe answer is that you'd need to change too much stuff. For example, while in some cases you have phrases like "Dulrig said:<<You are a good [if Male "boy"/ if Female "girl"], [if Male "lad"/ if Female "gal"]>>" that can be easily changed, sometimes you have scenes that change based if you are male or female, like "Then Logan started to [if Male "stroke your cock saying:<<You're a horny boy"/if Female "touch your clit saying:<<You're a horny girl>>"]".

The thing that I don't understand is that I assumed that a trans guy would play as male and a trans girl as female having the opposite problem of yours (correct pronouns and incorrect body parts)


At the very least, I have to admit, it is interesting to read how the code looks like lol. And yet, I am probably right if I say this is nothing but scratching the surface of the whole thing huh.

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