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Look this is really dumb and don't even feel like I should have to defend what I meant to say but I guess the time we live in we have to be careful about everything. But since I was tagged in a comment that I made yesterday let me clarify what I meant so people like @marcusvinicius1986 wouldn't feel like I am "GateKeeping". I wasn't saying to exclude people or to upset a group of people but to allow the writers to decide what THEY want to do. Most of us are here just playing the free demo, so before maybe asking for something maybe see how everything turns out first. I will say that maybe I came off rude to Can Of Garbage and if that was the case, I'm sorry for that, but people need to stop taking every word and turning it into a moment for them to "Put someone in their place" because it wasn't that serious. Now with that please do not @ me just because you did not like my comment.