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I really enjoyed the original game. But after getting too strong I wanted to go back to being lvl 1 without restarting the game because encounters were getting too easy.

I saw you added an option to nerf and buff yourself before you start the game. Can we get ourselves nerfed throughout the game or can you add some item that will make everything harder or something like that. So when I get too powerful I can balance myself. Then the game would longer and that would be much more fun? :D


Hmm, I'll see what I can do. Maybe something like a succubus level draining mechanic? XD

Or perhaps an option to allow enemies to scale in power as the player character gets stronger?

A lot of players like to be overpowered, so that likely won't sit well with them.

That is why I used the word "option", as in, something the player can choose. With the ability to turn the option on or off, like the kinks. But i do not know how much effort it would take to implement something like that.