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My, you are working so hard, SweetCiel! You did well~ Please do something about that squeezed brain lol

My week is nothing special. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to do :/

Um, sneak peek? Um... I don't have any suggestion because with or without it, I can bear all this waiting! With you updating regularly like this is enough, dear author...

Get some rest after hours of working hard!


Lol, aren't we all squeezing our brain on daily basis? x'D
I had a rough week last week though, so I'm planning to catch up with my sleep--that should be able to recover some brain power!

Aww, that's so sweet of you :'3 I do want to focus on writing for now, it's the antagonist's last chapter after all, but feel bad if I don't show you guys some sneak peek >< ah, the dilemma!

Thanks for being here, PangHerHeart! *hugg