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The one of the couch and the TV, one of a look out the door to the eggplant fields, another of the same field with the ship burning/exploding, one of the cows (one upside down), and Eggplant Man taking a vacation on an alien world (or a beach; hard to tell in this game). I might be missing something incredibly obvious to get these to open up - I missed how many I needed after all.

Will do. I've already checked out Shadowburg (promising start there) and I've been pondering on checking out both Charles 2.0 and YAGS for a bit now.  Can't wait to see what they bring to the table. I hope your schedule works out for BJ. :D

Oh, are you asking how to get those *in the game*? Because it sounds like you already have them unlocked.

Those are bonus "CGs" that don't actually show up in the game itself.

The first four are placeholder backgrounds that I drew to use during development, that unlock when you complete the game once, and the last one is a random thing PoorlyFormed drew that unlocks once you complete the two normal endings.

Hah, well thank goodness you told me. I was getting ready to dive deep into the strip poker or Twister games to see if there was a special scene that only came out if you played through both endings, used the fourth wall breaking opening and made a very specific combination of moves... or, I don't know, clocked on the eggplant trophy in a particular scene. Sneaky easter eggs and such.