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Dear bulbandrei,

Thank you for taking the time to play our game and for providing such detailed feedback. We're glad to hear that you liked the aesthetic of the game and that you eventually figured out how to interact with the "!" balloons.

We're sorry to hear that you found the game confusing at first and that you didn't quite catch the "E" mechanic or understand what the "!" balloons did. We understand that this can be frustrating and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Unfortunately, we hit a massive bump in the project and ran out of time, which prevented us from implementing detailed instructions and other features such as Tasks, Daily, music player, History, and Tooltip interactions. However, we did create a screenshot of the guide for convenience and we would be happy to provide it to you if it would be helpful.

We appreciate your feedback, and we'll take it into consideration to improve our future projects.

Once again, we apologize for any confusion or frustration that you experienced while playing our game. We appreciate your time and feedback, and we hope to have the opportunity to work with you again in the future.

Best regards,

Cloudy Boxscape