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played your game and it was very unique game! i was shock and awe at the same time! if any here wanting play it give it a try worth the time!

haha DizzY thanks for playing, that was great. I'm just an artist trying to make weird games. We had 1 week for Tiger_J gamejam and the theme was 'The Hero's Journey'. Thank you so much Dizzy.
catch more sun for a different ending. 

no problem! you did amazing job! i wondering if you made any other games?

Hey DizzY. Yes I made 2 pointandclicks last year also for a gamejam. Both very weird, hard puzzles and some bugs. Didn't bother to fix the bugs or improve. I will get more time someday and work on something less weird and higher quality. check my profile. All my 3 'games' are there. Stay awesome Dizzy, keeping an eye on your channel to check other weird games. <3


thanks! that means alot to me! and ill check them out next!