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(1 edit)

oh dear, I was worried about this. When I got into catching up on this title, I came across the “combat system” and I’ve ended up deleted the games with this system before because their so difficult. I scraped by with the other districts. But the last on this update costed me 3hrs trying to whittle this Ophelia girl down. Its always attack and impale with her and get lucky with one point lust.

Just as I managed to get her WP to 65, i set the shield and she kills me with a single swing knocking all 60HP.

I’m done

(2 edits) (+4)

i won the fight in less than a minute, i just equipped a support that boosts phys randomly (hazel) and skipped with ctrl and increased def when she tried to counter for 30 seconds until my phys and def was high enough, then attacked her, i received 0 damage from her attacks and blocked her impale just in case. i think hazel was from the hillside development. If you ask jessica, she tells you that she's a duelist and is bad at prolonged fights, you just need to outscale her stats

Thats extremely weird, Hazel was my support. I chose her because of her defense.  I'll give it another go this morning to see if it was a bug.  If it persists, I may lose my attachment to this game.   Not sure if its my ADHD or something else, but I lose interests in games with this kind of combat system.  I'm usually pretty good strats, but on the down side if the opponent continuiously uses attacks and I have no means to counter makes it extremely difficult to control my rising temper and just turn it off never to touch it again because I cant advance

Got past her using Hazel as frontline. Not sure why the MC on support just sits there. But it worked! Thanks again


Yeah, it caught me offguard too when it was introduced.

Up until the start of act 3, Arc didn’t seem to be one for minigames. But I then learned he’s the type of dev that has to keep moving, trying new things or else he’ll get bored.

Also, in terms of narrative I can’t think of how the process of “taking back the town” would’ve gone without a battle system.

About Ophelia. Right, you know you don’t have to seduce her. You can choose the strategy you want, but some work better than others depending on the enemy.

Tanks will keep defending, so seduction works best against them. Seducers are resistant to seduction so you might want to attack them instead.

Aside from dialogue and some visuals, the only difference between a HP and a WP win are that the girls will need more… sessions to get them on your side. Hell, you can even use shatter, haven’t used it meself but it’s an option.

In the case of Ophelia, I saw a lot of WP for a combat enemy and ditched the seduction strat right away.

My strat for her was to have Hazel as frontline with MC as support.

If she attacks, attack back. If she’s going to counter, use Hazel’s skill to boost PHY. If she’s going to impale, block it.

That was it. Didn’t die or use consumables.

But maybe someday I could convince Arc to add something for the folks allergic to minigames. Emphasis on the maybe.


I'll try Hazel as frontline this go, she was support last night.  I started the Ophelia battle at 7pm and she delivered the killing blow at 1040pmish.  I was tired and getting cranky.  Thanks for the info!


Tried with Hazel as front line in the manner you described. Beat her thankfully. The MC in support roll is rather useless, he doesnt do anything.  But I digress, much thanks to you for the help! The corrupted Kingdoms has been one of my top 5 favorite games for years, I dont want to lose it! I still wanna shove a different stick up Morganas rear haha

Well, I didn’t go there planning the most optimal strategy.

MC was on support only because I was having him learn the skills from the girls.

Haven’t really checked which character is best at support.

I normally just use Chloe.

Reading "taking back the town" just made Cleanin' Up the Town from the Ghostbusters soundtrack start going through my head. XD

So.  Arc.  Buddy.  MC needs a proton pack.  Maybe not until we start facing off against the fey, rather than the Org, but it has to happen.

Thank Chris here for inspiring me. :P