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Yay! I'm so glad you like it, thank you so dang much for replaying it.

Eyes Happy Sticker - Eyes Happy Excited Stickers

I was so worried that the lore would be too much of a chore to read, I'm relieved you didn't find that the case. 

Asriel is such a good monster to love! He's so sweet. 

YES! Being able to initiate or be initiated on is such an important preference, I really wanted to include it here since a big portion of this game is about the relationships. Special dialogue options unlock for each Love Interest depending on some of your preferences - or even apartment decor. I'm delighted someone found the chocolate milk one.  

I'm looking forward to your reaction to the next chapter. :p

I finished the draft yesterday, I'll start editing it in a few days. :)

Thank you very kindly for your comment!

Omg I'm so excited!! Goodluck with the development! Looking forward to the chaos and mess! (Also when Asriel nearly said we were his Soulmate?? Please, I was so damn flustered)