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I enjoyed this quite a bit, but I have some caveats. 

- The map is just too big for what the gameplay loop is. Leads to a lot of empty, pointless wandering that really is only broken up by the pools, which... well, are frustrating.

- My biggest gripe is with the knife. It is supposed to be a last resort, but the complete lack of solid feedback on it (including the weird buzz and electronic noise happening on misses as well as hits) leads to the weapon feeling pretty bad to use.

- It's a personal thing so take this with a grain of salt but the chromatic aberration gets really rough on the eyes after a bit ;;

Overall though, I did really enjoy this, and it's clear to see you have a good grasp of what makes a first person shooter feel good, especially if you can pull this off in a week. Nice job!


I appreciate the honest feedback :D And I agree with all points that need to be improved. The knife especially requires tuning. Lack of time forced me to release it as is :( And the map originally was going to have more stuff to do like destroy the actual pools using explosives you collect and a teleport system. It ended up being mostly empty though since I did level designing last and ran out of time. Thanks for playing, I'll keep your feedback in mind when I improve the game :D