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Ha ha, I'd suggest to look at it from a more metaphorical perspective than my usual games, perhaps? I based it on my VERY sex-repulsed ace experience, and "kissing" to love... More than a gesture, it's admitting your love is incomplete, or not "true" if you're unable to do so. And that's a huge struggle of mine: will my partners ever believe I love them, despite me being unable to show physical intimacy (and sure, "kiss" here is a euphemism for sexual intercourse...)

But I'm glad you got onboard with the "love can be anything, there is no guideline to it", despite Kooleen's voice telling you to make the wrong choice!

Thanks for your feedback and I have to agree: I love the voice acting!!!!!!!


I meant it more in a 'it doesn't apply to me' kind of way, but it does make for a good metaphor when you put it like this. ^^

(Kooleen's voice is leading me astray lol)