Beat it! Started with a card that had both 'heal 2' and 'play: +1 gold on this card', and another healing card. This allowed me to stall out the first boss for arbitrary gold, but it took a long time so I picked 30. This let me buy better versions of the necessary cards over the next two bosses so that I got a card with heal 4, +3 gold on play and a card that gives you gold from a random other card in hand immediately, which I used to get 900+ gold which sadly did not matter since the shop prices cap out at ~23. At that point I transitioned to just selling the base card once for 200ish gold once each round and not worrying about the combo, and then buying every draw card in the shop, and two upgrading max hp up cards (one grants max hp on play, the other on sell. Oddly enough, even though they both upgrade by 3 per sale the on sell gain hp is significantly better since I don't wanna have to wait to get my card back to sell it when I am ready too win). The rounds quickly became a massive slog of drawing till my hand is full, deciding what to discard without effect, and then repeating, never allowing enemies to take any actions, but the probability of drawing a stalled hand and dying to the enemy's massive attack stat slowly approached zero. As long as I have the patience to grind max hp at this point forever, I am unkillable no matter how bad the luck I get is, because there are not enough basic cards in the deck to stall me out for long enough for the enemy to kill me, and there are enough heal-and-draw cards that I will always heal back all the damage I take, if ever I were to take any, before the discard is shuffled into the deck. Of course, I also no longer take damage at all in practice, since the odds of drawing a card with no draw effect each time I draw are so extremely low and I always have a backup draw 4. But the point is, if I were patient enough, I could obtain arbitrarily large current and max hp, and consequently can defeat any enemy the game can generate simply by ensuring I have enough hp presently to account for the worst possible draw odds I could encounter before clearing the previous enemy. In actuality I've only beaten wave 22, but that, in conjunction with a theoretically unbeatable deck, is enough for me.
Hi Xyncht, you are correct and definitely beat it! Congratulations! However, I think there is a "better" or let me say faster / more funny way of beating the game. At your knowledge I find it most fun to get damage / upgrade combo a faster way to one hit higher waves instead of over-healing and slowly chipping his health down.
Anyway, I had to rush the difficulty scaling and didn't have enought time to balance these "exploits". If I would continue on developing the game these are main points for a rework
- Enemy scaling
- Shop scaling
- Draw mechanic
- Gold progression
Thank you for your feedback, hope you had fun playing!