I took 00:51:28 to beat the game.
Altough I couldn't say whether the game is a great implementation of the theme or not (I don't think it determines much more than the ending, or does it? I'm saying that because the paladin won while he was much weaker than his counterpart at the end), I think it's very fun. I like the big gaps in stat gains between levels so that you can safely descend.
What's cool with such kind of procedural games is that it feels exactly like a full-fledged game already unlike other kinds of games made during a similar timespan mostly because of the length, the structure of a run is there and you expect a run to be maybe thrice as long or something like that, that's not a big difference. And I mean, being publicly available from the start and constantly in development with always more content to add is kind of a feature of such games.
Congratulations, I'm glad I played this game.