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(1 edit)

Log 4/10/2023

Fought a lil' churl (medieval insult meaning lowlife) who was a TK wannabe called "N1 roos XX". Wasted my screen time for 3 days on this little shid. Played against:

Several tryhards (Now 25/1000, and 5/100 respectively)

Movement Speed Hacker

30 fps

120 ping

N1 roos(ter that's gonna get slaughtered) XX

foolish clucker ragequitted at the end, afraid of his fragile ELO facade would be crumbled to pieces, threw away his 160 gold, heh. I earned more gold than him in a shorter amount of time (170 vs 160), by mimicking tk aim and spamming, which would let me easily outmatch him as I had superior accuracy (my spamming is however still much more different than TK's). 

That's nice! And sad.

The slaughter begins.