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I think this game deserves to be on the top just for the music and aesthetic alone, the only problem is that we somehow leaped through the map at some point and got stuck outside of the level. The fights also seemed to drag a bit.

Love the music, the theme and the overall feel to it! 

Thank you for your feedback. I am aware that I had not checked every tile if it will teleport you outside the map because I did the map in the last 9 hours (whoops). For the fights, I just mashed in random numbers which I have not fully playtested in the jam period to see how it actually feels.

For the art, we tried our best with what Midjourney has for us as we do not have an artist on our team, glad you love it. :)

Yeah I feel you, we had a bug with transitioning from scene 1 to 2 so we had to re-do the map design in the last 2 hours before submission lol


Bold move doing something so risky in the last few hours, I like it.