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Ah. Didn't even notice the Variance until now. Could you give the Shurikens some Thunder Resistance? Fits being a weapon against Thunder Users that way. Although, ignoring Block or Defense would have them deal about double damage, which would have Brill probably survive the battle just as well, especially if I ran with a Leaf Greatshield.

Was looking at the Journal to see if I should leave and come back. Should "The King's Request" be complete now that I have the Skystep Boots? He didn't say anything about needing to help his niece Astra, I think? Cool touch that they're niece and uncle!


Shoot, that should be counted as done when you talk to the King for the first time. I'll have that fixed next patch, and it'll also be counted as done if you have a regular chat with him again.

Minor Spoilers below:



Ferdinn would love to talk more about his niece, but as one NPC mentioned, he's still single. Unfortunately, that means the succession is still uncertain, which could make a conversation potentially dangerous for her- especially since Astra herself is involved in some vaguely Project-Balor-related drama that caused her to run away from home.


Ooh, speaking of Project Balor and stuff, I keep forgetting to check up on Fire and Ice Crystals to see if they have anything to say now that they're not being magically silenced...