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Very nice game here. The core gameplay takes some getting used to, as it controls similarly to your typical shooter game, except with a mix of 2d platforming. The level takes quite a notable amount of patience and determination to win through, since the sole item and three health points you initially start out with aren't enough to make at least a decent first attempt as you'll most likely get wrecked really badly. Not to mention that everytime you die, you restart the level all the way down from the bottom. That can leave a really bad first impression for the game, although the point seemingly is to get yourself adapted to the level with the right items and enough health points to win. However since I had the patience it takes to finish the game overall this experience gradually went from frustrating and confusing to...well, pretty damn fun. I just wish the game didn't have to leave you with such limiting stats on the first attempt, but the core gameplay is very fun nontheless.

The music sounds nice, but visuals could some some more refinement, but overall this game was really solid, nice job.