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What religion prohibits from reading the tags, again?..


A simple no would suffice.


I thought about this, but it both was answering pretty rhetorical question and left us with a problem of me not knowing what religion prohibits from reading the tags. AND HERE I WAS TRYING TO BE INCLUSIVE...


To answer your question. The religion of woke!


wanting to know if trans folk are in this game is not being 'woke' and not always do games list every last tag the game falls under



Not only you answered rhetorical question, you also managed to answer it wrong.


Cool story, bro.


Thanks, I kept it in the fridge.


Oh, long lasting too!


Gotta compensate them inches.


while yes tyrannt22 shouldve read the tags...not always do games list every last tag the game falls under


You know what? That's actually a valid point. Should've thought about that. 

(Still blame assholes who can't do tags correctly)

Anyway, description and premise indicates rather clearly that it's women only. And I'd say we can all agree that fully transitioned women would be irrelevant here due to being non-distinguishable from cis-women.

Fully transitioned at the age of the students under the circumstances of their admission seems extremely unlikely. And if it happens due to Discord voting, so be it, but the best plot-based fit would be Donna, and reaction would be ... mixed? In the dystopia presented, hard to see anyone in all the trouble not-Priti is in AND transition getting Mycock's vote.


Yeah, for this part I meant either staff or (more likely) Third-party (like Miss Swallows and such).

Neither are (as far as we're aware) and it doesn't matter either as I've said earlier.