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I am a nerd for this kind of games, but still, i find it lacking, a lot. First of all, sounds, or at least some music in the background, something to make it more lively, hell I would've been happy with some classical music in the background, but you get the point. Second, gets repetitive fast, and kinda cumbersome with dealing with flying bots. The best solution for this is probably adding some kind of ranged attack, maybe like some staff spell or something (Thats what I was loking for when I first saw the flying bots, a ranged attack) and third, i would get some progression system in, even if it is extremely simple, like some buff system after every completed round, or coins to buy upgrades for attack speed or something like that. This game has a simple buff system you might want to check out. I know that this was a time limited challenge but I you want you can keep working on it and see where it goes. 

Thanks for the feedback! I plan to keep on working on it to make it even better!