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Hey folks! I'm Felipe and I'd love to get to know more gamedevs against the exploitation and discrimination of animals!

I'm a huge furry and I really hope I can get other furries to really take some time to consider how actual real animals are treated. Also, be careful when looking at my games, they're very gay and very explicit. I do always add the option to censor any explicit stuff, but it sounds important.

I'm very experience with unity, so if anyone needs help with programming, shaders, exporting the game or dragonbones, feel free to ask me.


It's great to meet a fellow furry! I actually went vegan after becoming a furry because it felt wrong to walk around as a rabbit while eating a chicken. Then I watched Dominion and that sealed the deal for me. I know some vegans are against the furry community because they think we're fetishizing animals or exploiting them by dressing as them, etc, but I think we're in a place where we can begin to understand the animals we care about even more. Like, for me, I really had to start learning about bunnies to BE a bunny. And a lot of my fellow bunny friends were the same.

It's great to have you here! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!