This jam is now over. It ran from 2023-04-09 03:59:59 to 2023-04-16 03:59:59. View results

Speciesism is the discrimination or prejudice against non-human animals based on their species, such as the eating of a cow while befriending a cat. In this example, speciesism takes place because the act of befriending a cat while simultaneously allowing and encouraging the murder and consumption of a cow signals that the cat is in some way superior to the cow.... while in reality, each are innately equal. Antispeciesism, on the other hand, is the belief that all sentient beings, regardless of their species, deserve equal moral consideration and protection from harm, which entails refusing to exploit any animal for any reason. 

Our goals for this Antispeciesism Game Jam are to challenge participants to create games that raise awareness about the impact of speciesism on animals, promote positive change in the way society views and interacts with animals, and encourage more compassionate lifestyles.


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Real-life stories of animals from a Veterinarian's point of view (Antispeciesism Jam Entry)
Visual Novel
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A retired activist experiences their first public event after total animal liberation has become law.
Visual Novel
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An interactive video that teaches children about speciesism and how to combat it.
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A meditation on the circle of sentient life and making ethical choices.
Your boring office job got spiced up by the announcement that there will be a formal dance in twelve weeks.
Visual Novel