Oh, it's 4.5 Wall Defense with the Crystal? Hopefully that rounds up to 5 in damage reduction calculations?
I *was* going to use it to try and replicate Max Attack Focus strats, yes. Most people won't be trying to be as frugal as me, so it should be fine? You have almost another line of space, so maybe change the description to say something like:
"Multiple copies work together, giving Number/4 Rock Wall boost to Attack."
Since otherwise it does sound like each Medal works alone, and therefore should give a minimum of 1 Attack at 1 (+3 DEF) Rock Wall?
EDIT: Thunder Punch optimization seems to be good enough for Ulfar.
EDIT: Adrenaline only works when the attack makes contact? Dang. Was hoping to get 36 regen every time. Or it's interacting weirdly with Whirlwind Shield?
EDIT: Flying Leech B in the fight before Magnes, has its HP hidden by the enemy selection.
Parabolic Charge absorbs HP. Argh. hmmm. Full Adrenaline doesn't work without some Thunder resistance then.
In other Medal stuff, Lucky Lass just fails entirely when wearing more than 1? I guess it's a "Doesn't Stack" type, it's just not in the description, since it doesn't work while I'm wearing Pepperevenge either?
Viewing post in 0.3.5 P2 - Bugfix Patch 10 comments
Pepperevenge is a "Doesn't Stack" medal, so I used it to figure out that Lucky Lass was one too. Unless you do want Pepperevenge to work with Lucky Lass and others?
And trying Magnes yet again, well. Vantus isn't much help. Can't keep him alive without items when I'm an Adrenaline build, since Treat's heal power is based on Attack. But, Parabolic Charge only heals 3 HP, and Magnes can't damage me fast and hard enough with all that Anti-Thunder equipment, so I guess it's up to Brill punching things yet again! Heh!
Maybe I should've made a Helsing Hat. That probably works against Parabolic Charge too?
"Doesn't Stack" means two of the same medal won't work together- for instance, you can't have two Catch Up medals, but you can have Catch Up and Pepperevenge. They should work with each other.
Actually, have you had the Overload Amulet equipped this whole time? I'm doing testing and that might be the source of the issue. EDIT: Yes, it's the Overload Amulet! That was the cause the whole time! Now to figure out how to make it not do that.
Oh, thanks for the clarification. Maybe I misinterpreted what the girl in the Champion's Hall was saying about "Doesn't Stack".
I might've had the Overload Amulet? Well, I'll test again once I win or lose to Magnes.
EDIT: Magnes has never used his Reverse Storm or whatever. Does it have specific trigger conditions?
Also, nice Amp Rage and Amperage pun!
I just realized Negative Storm wasn't in Magnes's command list. Oops, must've been so focused on his Wrath Bolt AI that I forgot to add it in. That's going in there now, and I'll do a quick test to make sure the AI doesn't mess anything up.
Once I've done that, I've got a working fix for the Overload Amulet issue, so I'll have a patch out soon.
Oh wow, I actually completely forgot about the amperage/Amp Rage pun!
Oh, I wonder if I Negative Storm would've been better or worse for me. Well, Magnes is down, and another overflow has been found:
People, there's Post-Magnes Spoilers here!
Lol Brill talking about Vantus being of help, when I just had her Punch and Starburst Magnes for 2/3 of his HP after Vantus went down! Heh.
Wait, was Brill blushing after the fight? Well, they both have green hair... Hmm. Now I'm not sure who to ship.
Vantus sure does sound like Ventus!