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I made a simple event for the test. If this command is followed, all items should be deducted by one, but there was no response. I replaced the Item ID with a normal number or variable, so it worked fine.

Thank you so much for accepting feedback! When this is done, I will definitely send a donation from this plugin page. TY!

Thanks for the screenshot! I will let you know when I have done it!


Thank you! I'm looking forward to it. I sent some donations to your sample project post. I hope this helps you. :)

Hello :)

I respect your time and work, so I don't want to rush you, but I want to know what the progress is. Can I use the necessary functions within this month?

Thank you!

Hi there!

I already manage to fix it. But still didn't have the time to do it. I'm too busy with something else. I will let you know when I upload it. But yes, this month for sure!


Thank you for your quick reply. Have a nice day :D

Hello there!

I saw the plugin you recently released. Character Generator is a very amazing and useful plugin. I'm going to buy it when I need it.

And I can still wait longer, but I was just worried that you were too busy to forget the update of QoL Plugin. I've seen you update other plugins recently so I'm thinking of it as hope. Thank you :)

Hey there!

Thanks for the remind me! I have released an updated version, and the problem of the multiple ids is now solved.

But I couldn't find a reason to put that new plugin command into this plugin. Since the arguments also accept formulas.

So I will give you a way with a script call to store the id of equipment into a variable:

  • $gameParty.members()[MemberIndex].equips()[SlotId]?.id || 0


  • $[SlotId]?.id || 0

  • Replace MemberIndex with the position of the party member(always start at 0) you want to get the Equip Id.
  • Replace SlotId with the slot ID(always start at 0)  if you want to get the equip id.
  • Replace the Actor Id with the ID of the actor.

If there is no equipment on the slot, the value returned will be 0.

Example below:

OMG! As you said, having this script is enough.

Thank you for solving the problem. You're the best!

Have fun!

And sorry again for taking too long ^^''